Tickets for the home and away matches of MTK Budapest Zrt. may be previously bought at meccsjegy.mlsz.hu webpage. In general, online tickets are available two weeks before the game. We usually give 10% discount for the home game tickets.
The stadium’s sector plan, moreover the current prices of the tickets and season tickets are available at mtkbudapest.jegy.hu webpage as well.
Sometimes we start selling tickets for more matches at the same time, in which case, tickets are available online for all such matches.
In the event of highlighted matches, tickets may be previously bought at the New Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium, in which case we provide all relevant information on our official webpage and Facebook page.
It is important that as from spring season of 2018/19, there is no need for name tickets in the event of matches having normal security risk to be organised at New Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium. As a consequence, no fan card, or identification card is needed for buying tickets, however the documents providing discounts (such as student ID card) shall be brought, as the entitlement for discount is checked randomly.
On the day of the matches the cashiers (at Hungária körút and Salgótarjáni út) are open usually three hours before the game, but all actual information will be put out on our official webpage.
You may reach the meccsjegy.mlsz.hu webpage by clicking on „Next” button, where you can buy your tickets online.
The online tickets shall be printed and shown at the gates, or you can also show your ticket on your smart phone.
1087 Budapest, Brüll Alfréd utca 2.